Sunday, October 4, 2009


Do you remember your first love? I do, he was the boy who lived across the street. I was 18 years old, he was 14. We were practically neighbors. He was French, his name was Peter, he was a young teen, and physically built for his age. Not to mention very good looking and what a body. I got a hard-on every time I saw him. I tried to get his attention all the time, but he wasn't interested, he just wanted to play with his basketball and his friends in the street.

Once I saw him naked, well almost naked, he was only wearing a Speedo, a blue one. He was playing with his friends on the front lawn. Oh, my god, what a body he had for such a young dude. I couldn't take my eyes off him that moment or any moment I saw him outside playing basketball. I would watch him from my bedroom window, observing every inch of his perfect body.

We didn't speak much to each other because his parents were very strict and conservative. They were much older; his father was in his early 60's. Sometimes I was waiting on the street corner to watch him when he came home from school. Hoping he would talk to me. I was always hoping that he would stop to talk, I loved his smile. Sometimes I got a smile. He had a voice that spoke with a French accent; this made me go crazy sometimes. I loved to hear him swear in French to his friends. A few weeks later I moved to Hawaii, and I didn't see Peter anymore but I often thought about him a lot and what it would be like to embrace his naked body and taste the favor of his cream.

After a few years I forgot about him until now. Thinking about him again, makes me realize that this all was just “ puppy love.” But Peter was more than just a puppy to me. He was my first love; I had a crush on him for a long time. I never really fantasized about him later on, never thought about having sex with him. I just wanted to be in his company, just wanted to be close to him.

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